Post your embers and jembers dubs here

Old one I embersified, feel free to do what you want with it if you want to etc

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Bring the funky squelch! Nice one mate


Iā€™m pretty rusty on production these days but I can resurrect old projects and give them the embers treatment

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Used to be a life saver if I couldnā€™t come up with a (finished) tune by sunday in the good olā€™ days where the universe was still running smoothly.


The good old days x


Somehow life was simple back thenā€¦

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Hip hop dud for next show. Could makje it as tight as i wanted but its going in, as is


Fwiw today I updated the Jacuzzi Superstar folder on the shared drive with a fixed version of Sense (the one that was on there was an accidentally beat-free dub). Itā€™s from around a year ago - to remind you, hereā€™s the sound cloud link:

I didnā€™t realise that tune was beat free by accident!! Itā€™s actually sick both ways :ok_hand:

Maybe do a mashup with a beat free part?

Coming to a Slipper Rave soon :grin:

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Iā€™ve got stems if anyone wants 'em :rocket: :fire:

Your break and your bass are not aligned mate.

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ah your right, scrap it ill go back.

dont know what happenneed there

I think you should work on the allignment of the amens with the track because the drums donā€™t match.

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I cant work out whether its my chopping, or wether my routing has added some delay. Giving up with it tbh its not a great tune anyway

Apologies, been posting here thought it was for dubs that might get played, not have been played. Ive deleted my broken links to make the place tidy again

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Yes plz! Iā€™ve been enjoying the remix process working on the challenge. Itā€™s refreshing to have some semblance of a foundation and direction when starting a new project. :badteeth:

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